

Hard Enduro Courses 

Monday to Friday – Maximum two people

At Personal Enduro we teach Hard Enduro courses individuals or small groups. Technique is extremely important in this specialty, since staying on one step means losing energy and physical background, determining factors to be able to pass the following extreme trials.

In order to take these courses it is necessary to have a certain level in traditional Enduro, since we must master the basic skills on normal trails before starting with climbs, trials and obstacles of a high technical and physical level.

The technical evolution in Extreme Enduro means that we can enjoy more in all areas, managing to finish races and also enjoying it much more, reaching a perfect balance between suffering and fun.

In our courses the most important thing It's personal attention, hence The groups are a maximum of 8 people per instructor in specific Extreme Enduro courses on weekends, something that is even more important in Hard Enduro courses, since small differences in level can be very relevant.

Our prices vary from €70 for a course in a group of 3 to 8 people, up to €120 for an individual course. 

Of Monday to Friday we have personalized Hard Enduro courses -maximum two people- who will train together with Fabio in their usual areas.


Initiation level: For all those who, having experience in traditional Enduro, want to start in the Extreme for the first time.

Medium level: For people with experience in trials and complex obstacles who want to evolve to more complicated situations.

Advanced level: For riders with experience in Extreme Enduro who want to evolve technically and physically, expanding their limits.

Expert level: For pilots with years of experience at a high physical and technical level with experience in competition who want to expand their technical, physical and mental limits.


  • Trials
    • Lots of gas
    • To look for traction in low
  • Steps
  • Zetas
  • Return of Mary
  • Wheelie control
  • Obstacles
    • Tubes, stones, logs,…
  • Physical and mental management and control
  • Correction of personal piloting errors
